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Boštjanu sta s trikotnikom 500 km po FAI pravilih uspela dva diamanta. Čestitamo! Več o preletu sledi. html? Luka drugi na Češkem grand prixu. aspx? Prvih 500 v letu 2015. Začelo se je vsakoletno velikonočno tekmovanje v jadralnem letenju Pribina cup. Luki, ki tekmuje v odprtem razredu, pa gre trenutno zelo d.
Naš inštruktor, kot tandemski potnik. Naš inštruktor, kot tandemski potnik. Naš inštruktor, kot tandemski potnik. Skok s padalom, tandemski skok, padalska šola izberite najboljše. Tandemski padalski skok iz letala. Letališča Lesce, Slovenj Gradec, Portorož. Skok s padalom, tandemski skok, padalska šola, prosti pad. SKOK S PADALOM V TANDEMU IZ LETALA.
Dobrodošli v Addiko klubu! Vašo zvestobo z veseljem nagrajujemo. V Addiko klubu, programu zvestobe Addiko Bank d. , sodelujete avtomatično in brezplačno z uporabo Addiko Maestro in MasterCard kartic ter ostalih naših storitev. Tako enostavno in hitro zbirate točke zvestobe, ki jih lahko zamenjate za različne ugodnosti.
2016년 1학기 아시아지역 파견 교환학생. 2015학년도 2학기 장학금 신청 안내. 2015학년도 2학기 해외수학장학생 선발 계. 학부생 졸업실험 연구실 배정 및 학위논문 발.
Strong Schools, Strong Communities. National African American Parent Involvement Day. Student Support and Enrichment Programs.
Welcome to the Academic Learning Center! The vision of the Academic Learning Center is to empower students to develop academic and behavioral skills to compete in a transitional global society. The mission of the Academic Learning Center is to provide an effective educational environment that encourages achievement through academics and character development at a challenging pace. Your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions.
9th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations. The Big Island, Hawaii, USA. Sponsored by The 141st Committee on Microbeam Analysis.
The 27th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics. This special international event, organized by ALC Professor Hongyin Tao, brings together Chinese language scholars from around the world to discuss topics involving integrating Chinese linguistic research with language teaching. Professor Michael Emmerich heads up new Japanese studies program. UCLA professors discuss linguistic diversity, event on Chinese language.